Monday, June 15, 2015

Egg Free Blueberry wheat muffins

These past couple of weeks, the weather in our neck of the woods has been hot. Sometimes it is so hot that I fondly look forward to fall and cooler weather. Yeah, I am not much of a summer person, sweltering heat is not one of my favorite things. But there is one thing about this time of the year that I really enjoy, the sheer variety of fruits that are available right now. Between peaches, cherries, blueberries and mangoes among other things, I can never decide on one that I favor more, so I end up picking up quite a few kinds of fruits each time.

And since I always seem to have a nice variety of fruits on hand and it has been a long time since I baked anything fun, I thought it would be nice if I could bake some fruity kind of muffin. After a little thought I decided on blueberry muffins. This is quite easily one of the easiest muffins I have ever made. The prep time for it took hardly a few minutes, while the oven was pre heating I mixed the ingredients and I was good to go. The end result was soft, tender muffins bursting with delicious blueberries in each bite.  Definitely a keeper, I plan to make this again..... and soon :) 

Click here for a printable view of this recipe

Ingredients and method to make egg free blueberry wheat muffins (Recipe adapted from this one)
3/4 cup whole wheat flour (atta)
3/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour (maida) 
2 tsp baking powder (I use aluminum free baking powder)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar (see notes)  + 1 Tbsp turbinado sugar (optional, see notes)
1 cup fresh blueberries (rinsed and patted dry)
1 cup milk (use non diary milk for vegan version)
1/4 cup oil

Pre heat oven @ 400 deg F (approx 200 deg C) Line a muffin tray with paper or grease the muffin tray and keep aside.
In a large bowl, add whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, salt, baking powder, sugar and mix well.

Add milk and oil and mix again.

Add in fresh blueberries and mix gently. Spoon the mixture into pre lined muffin tray until each of them are 2/3 of the way full.  Sprinkle with a little sugar on top of the muffins.

Place tray in oven and bake for 20 to 23 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Remove, cool a little and enjoy. This quantity yielded 11 standard size muffins.

If you have granular sugar, powder the sugar before using in recipe. With this quantity of sugar the muffins turned out mildly sweet, if you like your muffins with a pronounced sweetness, increase the quantity of sugar to 3/4 cup or to taste. I sprinkled a little turbinado sugar on top just for a little crunchiness and sweetness, you can skip this if you do not want it.

If you are looking egg free muffins, here are a few more

Mocha Choco Chip Muffins

Apple Wheat Muffins

Apple Banana Choco Chip Muffin

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