Lot of ground to cover in this post but the most important thing first :) Here's wishing all my readers a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2013. Hope this year is filled with lots of joy and lots of enriching and positive experiences for all of you.
Cliched though it sounds, it is true that a new year provides a very good opportunity to turn the page and start the year on a clean slate. I love the sense of anticipation at the start of the year when everyone is busy making plans for the new year or starting new projects to coincide with the start of the year. Speaking of new projects .... here is one of mine that I would like to tell my readers about.........
For a while now, I have been completely hooked onto jewelry making. It started as a simple pleasant hobby that I devoted a little time to whenever I could, but now it has become a very riveting and fulfilling part of my life. I find the process of creating different stuff with beads so fascinating. And I have to admit it is so cool and satisfying to watch the girls in my family wearing my creations and modelling it for me :) Since I am spending so much time with this hobby of mine, I decided to create a site where I can document my experiments and share some of the results with my readers. The new site is called Bead Creationz Here is a picture of one of my recent creations, clicking on the picture will take you to the site I mentioned above. Feel free to browse around and be sure to let me know what you think :)

Does that mean I am going to spend much less time in this space ? Nope :) In fact, this year much more than previous years, I have made a lot of plans for this space as well. I have my finger's crossed and am hoping to be able to execute all of these plans before the end of this year.
Moving on, in keeping with the tradition on this site, the first post of this year too is tea . Regular readers already know about how deeply I value my tea, only this time I am posting a somewhat different type of tea as compared to previous years. This chai tea latte powder is something I have regularly begun to keep on hand nowadays.

It is very tasty and super convenient when I am in the mood for instant tea and do not have the time for making the more elaborate Indian chai. I also think this would be very convenient to have on hand when traveling. I miss homemade tea whenever I am on a trip and do not like the choices that are usually offered in hotel rooms or restaurants. Next time I plan to carry this powder, so long as I am able to get some hot water I will be able to make this tea and enjoy it :)

Click here for a printable view of this recipe
Ingredients and Method to make Vanilla chai tea latte
1 cup non fat dry milk
1 cup powdered non dairy creamer
1 cup french vanilla non dairy creamer
1 cup sugar
1 cup unsweetened instant tea
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp all spice powder
In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients and blend together in the blender/ mixer in batches if required until it turns into a fine powder.
Store in an airtight container and use as required.
To make vanilla chai tea latte take 1/2 cup whole milk + 1/2 cup water (see notes) and heat in the microwave until really hot, very close to a boil. Add three heaped teaspoons of the above powder (or according to taste) and mix well. Enjoy your hot chai tea latte.
The copyright of this content belongs to Veginspirations.com
This chai tea latte can also be made with entire quantity of water but that version in my opinion tastes a little.... err .... watered down :) Depending on the milk at hand I have tried this using only milk or a combination of milk and water. If using fat free milk or 1% milk, I would suggest trying this with only milk. If using whole milk then half milk, half water works fine and if using 2% milk probably a ratio of 60 : 40 for milk and water or according to taste.
Cliched though it sounds, it is true that a new year provides a very good opportunity to turn the page and start the year on a clean slate. I love the sense of anticipation at the start of the year when everyone is busy making plans for the new year or starting new projects to coincide with the start of the year. Speaking of new projects .... here is one of mine that I would like to tell my readers about.........
For a while now, I have been completely hooked onto jewelry making. It started as a simple pleasant hobby that I devoted a little time to whenever I could, but now it has become a very riveting and fulfilling part of my life. I find the process of creating different stuff with beads so fascinating. And I have to admit it is so cool and satisfying to watch the girls in my family wearing my creations and modelling it for me :) Since I am spending so much time with this hobby of mine, I decided to create a site where I can document my experiments and share some of the results with my readers. The new site is called Bead Creationz Here is a picture of one of my recent creations, clicking on the picture will take you to the site I mentioned above. Feel free to browse around and be sure to let me know what you think :)

Does that mean I am going to spend much less time in this space ? Nope :) In fact, this year much more than previous years, I have made a lot of plans for this space as well. I have my finger's crossed and am hoping to be able to execute all of these plans before the end of this year.
Moving on, in keeping with the tradition on this site, the first post of this year too is tea . Regular readers already know about how deeply I value my tea, only this time I am posting a somewhat different type of tea as compared to previous years. This chai tea latte powder is something I have regularly begun to keep on hand nowadays.

It is very tasty and super convenient when I am in the mood for instant tea and do not have the time for making the more elaborate Indian chai. I also think this would be very convenient to have on hand when traveling. I miss homemade tea whenever I am on a trip and do not like the choices that are usually offered in hotel rooms or restaurants. Next time I plan to carry this powder, so long as I am able to get some hot water I will be able to make this tea and enjoy it :)

Click here for a printable view of this recipe
Ingredients and Method to make Vanilla chai tea latte
1 cup non fat dry milk
1 cup powdered non dairy creamer
1 cup french vanilla non dairy creamer
1 cup sugar
1 cup unsweetened instant tea
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp all spice powder
In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients and blend together in the blender/ mixer in batches if required until it turns into a fine powder.
Store in an airtight container and use as required.
To make vanilla chai tea latte take 1/2 cup whole milk + 1/2 cup water (see notes) and heat in the microwave until really hot, very close to a boil. Add three heaped teaspoons of the above powder (or according to taste) and mix well. Enjoy your hot chai tea latte.
The copyright of this content belongs to Veginspirations.com
This chai tea latte can also be made with entire quantity of water but that version in my opinion tastes a little.... err .... watered down :) Depending on the milk at hand I have tried this using only milk or a combination of milk and water. If using fat free milk or 1% milk, I would suggest trying this with only milk. If using whole milk then half milk, half water works fine and if using 2% milk probably a ratio of 60 : 40 for milk and water or according to taste.
Sangeetha Priya · 638 weeks ago
divya · 638 weeks ago
Priya · 638 weeks ago
Sowmya · 638 weeks ago
Ongoing Event - <a
href="http://nivedhanams.blogspot.in/2012/12/syf-hws-ginger.html">SYF & HWS - Ginger
Amrita · 638 weeks ago
Lubna Karim · 638 weeks ago
uma · 638 weeks ago
you are talented girl :)
Lakshmi Venkatesh · 638 weeks ago
P J · 638 weeks ago
Angie · 637 weeks ago
Sreevalli · 637 weeks ago
Vaishali · 636 weeks ago
It is raining here in DC today, and that vanilla chai sounds just perfect. A belated happy new year to you.
leena · 636 weeks ago
shama · 613 weeks ago