When things go wrong, every additional nuisance that can happen will probably happen and make things worse. At least that seems to be the case with me, I was already having a bad day with other stuff and then I entered the kitchen and was looking forward to a soothing cup of tea and the tea cup slipped from my hand and my tea got spilled ! " No please not my tea " was the first thought that ran through my mind. Then to make matters worse, when I started dinner I found that my pressure cooker malfunctioned and decided to spew dhal water all over my stove and my counter tops.Bah ! I hate when this happens....
So what do I do next, well first I clean up the entire area and restore my kitchen back to spic and span order.Then in addition to making dinner I make dessert ! Surprised as to why I would add to my work load when I have already had such a bad day....Well a little sweet always seems to make things better. No wonder stressed spelled backwards is desserts ! And this pedha is very quick and can be made entirely in under five minutes. Pedhas as I mentioned in this post are a family favorite and I made this hoping that a quick sweet treat makes my day just a little better and more bearable.

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Ingredients and Method to make 2 minute almond pedha
1/2 cup almonds
1 1/4 cup instant non fat dry milk (fine milk powder)(I used carnation milk powder) (see notes)
4 to 5 cardamom seeds powdered fine
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
3 tbsp plain milk
2 pinches of good quality saffron (optional)
3 to 4 tsp of clarified butter (ghee/nei) (optional but recommended )
Powder 1/2 cup almonds along with skin to a fine powder in a spice grinder using pulse feature on blender. Try not to over grind as the nut butter will cause the almond powder to start clumping together.
In a shallow microwave safe dish, mix together almond powder/ almond meal, non fat dry milk, cardamom seeds powder, saffron (if using) and mix well.
Add sweetened condensed milk, milk and clarified butter (if using) to this and mix well. This will cause a kind of lumpy mixture.
Place the shallow dish in the microwave and heat on high for 1 + 1 minute, stirring frequently or until the mixture can be rolled between your fingers. Cool slightly and shape into round balls and flatten slightly to form the typical pedha shape.
Cool thoroughly and place in an airtight container and use within a couple of days of making it, or refrigerate and use within 4 days or so for freshest taste.
The copyright of this content belongs to Veginspirations.com
Yield approximately 14 to 15 pedhas
Since microwave strengths will vary,cooking times can also vary, so it may take you longer or shorter so keep an eye on this when it is getting done. My microwave strength is 1000 watts, so if yours is more powerful you will need to microwave it for lesser time and if yours has less strength it will take a little more time.
Also since I used a shallow dish, my cooking time was faster, if you use a deeper dish it may take you a bit longer
If the milk powder you have has a very thick granular texture, give it a turn in the blender/ mixer to grind it to a fine powder
So what do I do next, well first I clean up the entire area and restore my kitchen back to spic and span order.Then in addition to making dinner I make dessert ! Surprised as to why I would add to my work load when I have already had such a bad day....Well a little sweet always seems to make things better. No wonder stressed spelled backwards is desserts ! And this pedha is very quick and can be made entirely in under five minutes. Pedhas as I mentioned in this post are a family favorite and I made this hoping that a quick sweet treat makes my day just a little better and more bearable.

Click here for a printable view of this recipe
Ingredients and Method to make 2 minute almond pedha
1/2 cup almonds
1 1/4 cup instant non fat dry milk (fine milk powder)(I used carnation milk powder) (see notes)
4 to 5 cardamom seeds powdered fine
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
3 tbsp plain milk
2 pinches of good quality saffron (optional)
3 to 4 tsp of clarified butter (ghee/nei) (optional but recommended )
Powder 1/2 cup almonds along with skin to a fine powder in a spice grinder using pulse feature on blender. Try not to over grind as the nut butter will cause the almond powder to start clumping together.
In a shallow microwave safe dish, mix together almond powder/ almond meal, non fat dry milk, cardamom seeds powder, saffron (if using) and mix well.
Add sweetened condensed milk, milk and clarified butter (if using) to this and mix well. This will cause a kind of lumpy mixture.
Place the shallow dish in the microwave and heat on high for 1 + 1 minute, stirring frequently or until the mixture can be rolled between your fingers. Cool slightly and shape into round balls and flatten slightly to form the typical pedha shape.
Cool thoroughly and place in an airtight container and use within a couple of days of making it, or refrigerate and use within 4 days or so for freshest taste.
The copyright of this content belongs to Veginspirations.com
Yield approximately 14 to 15 pedhas
Since microwave strengths will vary,cooking times can also vary, so it may take you longer or shorter so keep an eye on this when it is getting done. My microwave strength is 1000 watts, so if yours is more powerful you will need to microwave it for lesser time and if yours has less strength it will take a little more time.
Also since I used a shallow dish, my cooking time was faster, if you use a deeper dish it may take you a bit longer
If the milk powder you have has a very thick granular texture, give it a turn in the blender/ mixer to grind it to a fine powder
Pedas are so yummy to eat, they even freeze well, so I can make huge batch and eat for months!:D
you are right when you say that every small annoyance can make a bad day even worse :) :) it has happened to me several times too!!
but I'm sure those almond pedas must have brought you some comfort and made the day much more better!!!
they look absolutely delicious and wonderful!!!
lovely and perfect microwave almond pedha.
This sounds really simple, must try..TH and my son can have sweets at any point in time ! And I have loads of almons at home right now...I like the 'desserts' 'stressed' logic - super cool one :)
wow, you made them in 2 minutes..loved them..
that looks so delicious..have tried it minus the almonds, but this one is awesome..
yummy Usha! just made a similar almond peda in microwave two days back. But I add butter in mine. The nut butter tip is good one. Will keep in mind :)
Wow thats awesome 2 minutes...yummy.
Tempting pedas!
Usha, that is the best way to tackle the awful day. Love the 2 minute pedha.
love the pedas...looking great
Pedas looks so cute and yumm!!
I too hate it when the dhal in the pressure cooker overflows and water spills over :(
lovely dessert Usha... I like how you turned the day into a good one with this :)
- Indhu (www.thayirsaadham.com)
Pretty simple & elegant..for that instant sweet urge.
quick and yummy sweet they look perfect
Grinding with skin sounds good and it is even unoticeable!
Love pedas of course the easiest version :)
I never realized that stressed spelt backwards is dessert - cool! no wonder we reach for sweets :)
Pedhas look so yummy.
mmm, very tempting and delicious... Infact the invent of milk powder and condensed milk have made life easy ;D I posted doodh pedas long time back after seeing your pedas am tempted to make some now!!!
Yummy pedhas.. making me drool... :)
yup,looks so delicious, love it and will try it!!
Usha, tell me that you are kidding! Wow, pedhas in two minutes. Can't wait to make these, ridiculously easy to make and sound so sinfully delicious. Awesome stuff!!
Super fast Usha. Will try out soon.
Sara's Corner
Yeah things do go crazy like that sometimes for me too...nice idea of making something sweet and getting over it :) Pedha sounds very interesting Usha...quick and delicious!
Looks easy, I always thought pedhas cannot be made at home.
Thank-god that u didnt pour the tea on you. I once did, I had a red patch on my thigh for days.
Peda looks very tempting Usha and such quick and simple recipe.
Haila ..Quick and easy ..Nice peda! must try this!:D
tressed spelled backwards is desserts ! such a interesting observation n very true! pedhas look very yummy!
I have see only MW pedas never made them..After looking at yours, I will certainly give it a try!Lovely!
wow pedas in 2 min sounds great!
Nice yummy Pedha's Will soon a give a try
Kindly accept the award
Quick and easy one..looks tempting and delicious.
Nice looking pedas.
So simple and easy to make.They look yummy
I am first time here..nice blog and good space...Pedha looks great...and delicious..
If u have a time plz check my blog also
awesome...i love this quick peda recipe....superb.
Thanks, I just made these for Diwali and they turned out just awesome! Love the rich taste and the quick recipe made it even better :)
Thanks, I just made these for Diwali and they turned out just awesome! Love the rich taste and the quick recipe.
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